Public Notices

A change by the Kentucky Legislature in 2020 allows publication of Ordinances on the City website rather than running a lengthy and expensive advertisement in the newspaper. Beginning with Ordinances requiring publication in July 2020, ordinances published on this website shall remain posted for ninety days; those relating to the City budget or finances shall remain posted for one year. (See KRS 424.110-424.370). A brief ad, with URL reference, is published in the newspaper. Individuals who have difficulty accessing the contents of posted advertisements may contact the City for information regarding access. Individuals may call the office of the City Clerk at 859.441.9604, or write or visit the office of the City Clerk at the City Building – 5694 E. Alexandria Pike Cold Spring, KY 41076





FY 2023-2024 3/13/25

FY 2022-2023   2/20/24

Public Notice


Notice is hereby given that The City of Cold Spring, 5694 East Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, KY 41076, has filed an application with the Energy and Environment Cabinet to Remove (2) failing corrugated metal pipe culverts under Darlas Drive and replace them with a 14’ wide by 4’ tall box culvert.  The property is located where Darlas Drive crosses Pooles Creek roughly 1 mile southwest of the intersection of US-27 and KY-1998.  Any comments or objections can be submitted via email to: [email protected]    Kentucky Division of Water, Floodplain Management Section, 300 Sower Blvd. Frankfort, KY 40601.  Call 502-564-3410 with questions.