The City of Cold Spring is located in Campbell County Kentucky, having a population of nearly 6,000 residents. We are uniquely located near three major highways that allows for convenient access to anywhere in the region.
Cold Spring is a full-service city that provides a wide range of services to our citizens. Cold Spring has an excellent school system (Campbell County Schools), a nearby regional medical center, a park and recreation district, an adjacent 2-year community college, and a low level of crime through our law-abiding citizenry.
Community Information
Approximately 13.2 square miles, 40% residential, 10% industrial, 10% commercial, and 40% developable.
Cold Spring’s most current population is 6,216. This figure is based upon the latest 2020 Census Report.
The Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport is approximately 16 miles west of the City.
Several commercial banks are located in the city – Fifth Third Bank, Heritage Bank, PNC Bank, US Bank, and Peoples Bank
St. Joseph Catholic Church, St Luke’s Lutheran Church, First Baptist Church of Cold Spring, Immanuel Baptist Church, Christ Baptist, and Summit Church of Christ.
Cold Spring is in the Campbell County School District. The city has three elementary schools located in the city limits. Children attend a public middle school, and a high school in a nearby part of the county. Northern Kentucky University is located within 1 mile of the city limits. There are several day care centers located in the city as well.
Cold Spring is served by the Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky (TANK) bus services. For more detailed route and schedule information call 331-TANK.

Meetings & Events
March 12
- Planning & Zoning @ 6:30pm
March 24
- Council Meeting @ 7:30pm
March 27
- US 27 Corridor Open House 6:30pm-8:30pm
Mail Applications To:
Mayor D. Angelo Penque
City of Cold Spring
5694 East Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, KY 41076
City Building 859.441.9604
Police Department 859.441.6289